Material cost estimate for wood strip kayaks

Unquestionably, the most often asked question is: "How Much does it cost to build a wood strip kayak?".
Unfortunately, there is no exact answer. Some builders have tools and some materials at hand, while others are starting from scratch. Some builders only want a decent 'Toyota' kayak while others will not put up with anything less than a "Ferrari" with all the bells and whistles. The table below shows the material cost for a "Ferrari" Cape Ann Double. The largest savings can be made on Epoxy which can vary up to 50% in cost.

The construction cost for a top notch single kayak using the best materials can be estimated roughly by the surface area. Let's say the material cost of the double is $17.45 per square foot, so the estimated cost for the Cape Ann Storm, for example, would be $17,45/ft^2 x 52ft^2 = $907. (this includes carbon fiber, most expensive epoxy, rudder, plans etc..). The minimal cost of building the Storm is about $650.

Tools cost are never part of boat building estimates but I have included the prices you might expect to pay for some of the basic tools.

In addition to the table below, take a look at a more detailed list of tools and consumables for Stitch & Glue kayaks and kits. The majority of the items will also be used in strip kayak construction.

MATERIALS Cost ($) Subtotal ($)
Cedar planks 80ft x 1"x6" 127 127
Cedar planks (50ft^2 of 1/4" strips) 70 197
Mahogany 2 x (1"x4"x 8' ) 20 217
plywood for spine (4' x 8' ) 30 247
particleboard for stations 2 x(5/8"x4' x 8' ) 21 268
glue Tightbond II (1gallon) 25 293
Ocume plywood for bulkheads (4'x4') 25 318
Fiberglass + glass tape 176 494
graphite for coaming 1yd^2 5oz. Twill 50 544
Epoxy 3gal West system 246 790
epoxy thickeners (silica, microfibers) 30 820
Minicel foam for seats 40 860
footbraces Yakima 2 sets 70 930
cable for rudder 30 960
bungee cords, cord, stainless hooks 20 980
stainless screws 10 990
silicone sealant for bulkheads 2 tubes 9 999
brushes (foam and bristle) 10 1009
sandpaper (40, 60, 180, 220, 360, 400) 20 1029
Lacquer thinner (1gal) 8 1037
Varnish 2 quarts 40 1077
staples 3 packets (14mm Arrow) 10 1087
Miscellaneous stuff 100 1187
Rudder (homebuilt) 95 1282
Plans package 125 1407
TOTAL   $1407
hook & loop 5" round sander 40 1447
Japanese pull saw 25 1472
Jigsaw 30 1502
jigsaw blades 10 fine toothed blades 11 1513
clamps 7 (sale on 8") 32 1545
router bit - bead 30 1575
router bit - cove (Amana triple bit) 52 1627
7 1/4" ripping table saw blade 22 1649
block plane 6" 14 1663
TOTAL   $1663